Thursday, May 8, 2008

Organic cotton...

A friend asked me to look for some organic cotton sheets for her son. OH MY, talk about pricey! Does it really cost that much more to grow things organically or is a seller's market?

I found some that are "reasonably priced," a term I use loosely, at Maharishi Ayurveda Products. They're actually made in India and ate 15" deep.

Much to my dismay, Walmart has it's own line. I know, I know, who cares if they're organic if they're made in a sweatshop.

Target has an organic line also.

Bed Bath & Beyond have some on clearance.

I also found some on Overstock.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Flying with a Toddler

Five weeks from yesterday, but who's counting, E. and I fly to the mainland. My heart is filled with dread. I've heard horror stories about flying with toddlers. I'm looking for entertainment ideas. So far we have...

1) DVD player with some Disney movies (desperate times, desperate measures)
2) Zoo backpack
3) Stickers
4) New stuffed animal
5) My Little Pony (as stated, desperate times...)
6) Crayons
7) PlayFoam

Does anyone have any brilliant suggestions? I've heard that wrapping the toys up in tissue paper makes them more exciting. Are there any other ideas. The hubby suggested I crate her and put her with the checked luggage. Someone else suggested lots of alcohol, for me, not her.

Children and Cursing

National Public Radio did a segment called Why Kids Curse. It seems quite relevant since E. has THREE curse words under her belt, thanks GramGi, Daddy, and Dave.

Children's Place Sale

The Outlet at The Children's Place is having a great sale with $5 flat rate shipping. They have PJs for as low as $4.99, t-shirts for $1.99, and shoes for $4.99. I found a coupon code for 15% off, S1A48. Supposedly, if you sign up with them, they'll send you coupons regularly.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sand and Water

Yes, I live on an island but I was thinking about bringing a bit of the beach to our backyard. I was thinking of a Sand and Water Table. We can put it under the porch and not worry about too much sun in the middle of the day. Ella is starting to get interested in dirt and rocks so this would be a bit of a cleaner alternative.

I found a cool Waterwheel Play Table at Kaplan.

Step 2 has a Sand and Water Activity Center that comes with bridges, ramps, cups and boats. It's partially made in the USA and isn't prohibitively expensive.

For those of you with a larger budget than mine, Community Playthings has some great tables.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


I've talked to a couple of people who have babies and toddlers with anemia so I did a bit of research looking iron-rich foods that are toddler friendly. I found this great site by Healthtouch. I know, I know, I won't be feeding E. sardines but there are quite a few things that she'll eat. Actually, she'd probably eat the sardines. I'll be shocked if you don't find, at least, one thing for your little one.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

And I thought it was Placenta Brain...

It appears that it's called "momnesia." The Today Show did a segment on it.